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"Wood is a fantastic material, which we have relied on ever since we were hanging around in trees and its qualities and characteristics must be allowed to awe and inspire all future generations."

"I therefore try to work sustainably within my environment and will source wood and timber locally."

"This partly reduces the energy involved in transportation and also allows me to select material where I have personal knowledge of the woodland sites and the people who manage them with longevity in mind."

"When sourcing materiel from further a field I rely on FSC certified resources."

"I use both green (fresh) and dried timbers depending on specific project requirements and can limit energy use by shaping components from the green wood thereby avoiding unnecessary drying of waste material. All finishes are non-toxic and made from natural materials."

"Outdoor pieces will be made using naturally durable timbers for strength and quality." "Our home is a self built low-energy oak-timberframe construction and the workshop is built from local rye straw bales. All waste is used to heat the home or is composted and recycled."

Karen Hansen

© 2008 - 2016 All works copyright Karen Hansen